YA Guy Lit: Reality Bites – I Hunt Killers

Hey-lo all!


Sorry I’ve been gone so long. The move took longer than expected and took a much bigger toll on my body than I planned. My bruises have finally started to recede though and are currently that ugly yellow brown color. It basically looks like I got in a fight with a dirty highlighter and lost. >_<




I decided to just pick up where I left off in the middle of the Guy Lit Theme rather than going through the process of skimping on the amazing guy lit that I wanted to cover and picking something new. In fact, we’ll start back up with another reality-based fiction selection—I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga.


I Hunt Killers is like a reality-based book that is extended slightly into the extreme end of fiction. It follows the story of Jazz, a very likeable teen boy who is quite the charmer. The only issue is that he is the son of the world’s most infamous serial killer. These shaky foundations help Jazz see crime scenes from the view of the criminal, which makes him an amazing addition to the local cop force.


The story is almost like a ‘Dexter’ for teens. However, instead of the very adult theme of highly questionable moral ambiguity, the tale focuses more on proving that evil is not necessarily inherited and the apple can in fact fall far from the tree in some aspects. Then, these themes are woven into an incredibly exciting plot of chasing a very active serial killer. Two thumbs way way up. It is also great for reluctant readers due to its excitement and page-turning potential.

i hunt killers



Bring It to Life (BITL)!


Embrace crime shows!


  • Have a marathon of watching good old CSI episodes (I’m talking Grissom’s heyday here).
  • Give Dexter a try if you are a bit older. NOTE: HBO’s Dexter is not recommended for teens unless they have the parental ok!
  • Also, I definitely have a thing for Criminal Minds, and it plays into the higher level mental themes of I Hunt Killers by studying what makes a serial killer in terms of thought patterns and desires.

crime shows